Making a Power of Attorney


In the event we can no longer care for ourselves it is important to have in place a method of ensuring that those people we trust the most have the power to look out for our best interests. 

A Power of Attorney grants those people we trust the most, the power to do this.  It is the legal step that grants important powers to ensure that the care, welfare and administration of your financial and legal affairs are managed by those you most trust. 

Preparing these documents well in advance assists you and your family to prepare for your future care.  It also may avoid conflict between loved ones as you have set a clear path for your care.

Very often, a Power of Attorney is prepared for disposing a real property. This will enable you to sell the property without your physical presence. The attorney will sign the documents such as agreement and assignment for you. You must find a lawyer to prepare a Power of Attorney and handle its execution. Buyer does not accept invalid or doubtful Power of Attorney.

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